piątek, 18 października 2013

OBIEE Performance JMeter


This article is the fourth in a series about performance and OBIEE. In previously articles I described how test design should be approached, and in this article I explain in detail how to use some of the tools available to build the tests.


JMeter is open-source software maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It is a flexible and powerful tool that has a GUI design interface that can run on any java-supporting desktop (e.g. Windows/Linux/Mac). The test execution can be run from the GUI, or “headless” from the commandline.
To get started with JMeter, simply download it, and uncompress the archive (tgz / zip). Go to the bin folder and doubleclick on jmeter.sh or jmeter.bat. This will launch JMeter.
There are plenty of JMeter tutorials on the web and I am not going to replicate them here. Any tutorial that demonstrates how to record a web browsing session into a JMeter script should suffice for creating an initial OBIEE load test. Below I will detail some specifics that it is useful to be aware of.
  • When a user clicks on a dashboard in OBIEE, the server returns shortly after the text “Loading…”. You need to make sure that your test doesn’t incorrectly accept this as the completed report. There are a couple of ways to do this:
    • Design your test so that it waits until the text isn’t “Loading…”
    • Set NewCursorWaitSeconds in instanceconfig.xml so that the “Loading…” text isn’t displayed before the query results are returned. See this blog post for more details
  • The JMeter Plugins are very useful for additional graphing options and better user control (eg jp@gc – Stepping Thread Group)
  • Try to use variables throughput to increase code reusability and reduce maintenance. It’s worth taking time to refactor a test that has evolved into something complex.
  • Use the Constant Timer object to add think time
  • Response Assertion steps are a very good way of ensuring that your test is getting the result it should at each stage. For example, to check the OBIEE login page is loading, check for Enter your user id and password..
  • Use the Not option in a Response Assertion to check for things that definitely shouldn’t be there, such as Odbc driver returned an error or Loading…
  • For a flexible test, parameterise the dashboard pages fetched. This is done in several stages:
    1. Add a CSV Data Set Config step, configured to read a TSV (Tab-Separated) file from a path you specify. NB relative paths in JMeter are relative to the folder that the JMeter script (JMX) resides

OBIEE “Act As” vs “Impersonate”


Grupie BIAdministratoras należy dodać polisę :oracle.bi.server.impersonateUsers
ORACLE DOC http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/bi.1111/e10543/install.htm#CIHJEIEG

There will come a point in the lifecycle of an OBIEE deployment when one user will need to access another user’s account. This may be to cover whilst a colleague is on leave, or a support staff trying to reproduce a reported error.
Password sharing aside (it’s zero-config! but a really really bad idea), OBIEE supports two methods for one user to access the system as if they were another: Impersonation and Act As.
This blog article is not an explanation of how to set these up (there are plenty of blogs and rip-off blogs detailing this already), but to explain the difference between the two options.
First, a quick look at what they actually are.


Impersonation is where a “superuser” (one with oracle.bi.server.impersonateUser application policy grant) can login to OBIEE as another user, without needing their password. It is achieved in the front end by constructing a URL, specifying:
  • The superuser’s login name and password (NQUser and NQPasword)
  • The login ID of the user to impersonate (Impersonate)
For example:

czwartek, 17 października 2013

PostgreSQL SHMMAX, SHMALL calculation

8GB = memory=8589934592

python pgtune \ -i /etc/postgresql/9.2/main/postgresql.conf \ -o postgresql.conf \ --memory=8589934592 \ --type=Desktop \ --connections=10

Configuring SHMMAX and SHMALL for Oracle in Linux

SHMMAX is the maximum size of a single shared memory segment set in “bytes”.

silicon:~ # cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax536870912      
536870912 = 512 kB -> (512 * 1024 * 1024)
SHMALL is the total size of Shared Memory Segments System wide set in “pages”.silicon:~ # cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
==============================================================================================The key thing to note here is the value of SHMMAX is set in "bytes" but the value of SHMMALL is set in "pages".

Validating the BI Presentation Catalog


17.2.5 Validating the Catalog

Over time, inconsistencies can develop in the catalog as links are broken, users are deleted, or NFS file system issues are encountered. These inconsistencies can eventually lead to incorrect behavior, such as the inability to edit an agent's recipient list. You can periodically take the production system offline and validate the catalog, to be informed of and to take corrective action on inconsistencies.
This section contains the following topics about validating the catalog:

Resetting BISytemUser password in OBIEE 11g


Resetting BISytemUser password in OBIEE 11g

 BISystemUser by default is the user that is used as an inter-bi-component communication user, this could also be used when Impersonation is used. This is refferenced by an Authenticator ( usually Defaault Authenticator unless changed to different providors like Active Directory or other directories ).
The credentials for this user are managed via cwallet.sso which is the default credential store under oracle.bi.system - system.user. The BISystemUser does not need any Group membership , however it would need Weblogic Global Role called 'Admin' [ P.S - This is not an 'Application Role' by any means ]. By default BISystemUser is a member of an LDAP Group called 'Administrators' which is assigned to the Weblogic Global Admin Role.
OracleSystemUser is used by Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) which is integrated with WLS EM Console to provide the management and securing of web services through administration of policies.By default OracleSystemUser is a member of OracleSystemGroup in Weblogic LDAP. This is also refferenced via Default Authenticator this could be changed by following the FWM documentation.

More information could be found :http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/bi.1111/e10543/privileges.htm

To reset BISystemUser:
1. Stop the system components in Enterprise Manager.
Click on Business Intelligence >Core application> Availability

Oracle BI EE 11g – Managing Host Name Changes


Oracle BI EE 11g – Managing Host Name Changes

December 7th, 2010 by 
One common requirement when it comes to any software is in properly handling the network, ip and host name related changes. For example, moving servers from one domain to another, or cloning instances can all trigger these network related changes. BI EE 10g can quite easily handle the host-name related changes. But in the case of BI EE 11g as there are a lot of components involved, making a change to the host name requires more effort. In today’s blog post, lets look at how we can go about getting BI EE 11g to work when the Host Name of the machine changes post install & configuration.
BI EE 11g has a lot of inter-dependent components. Each component interacts with the other over the network i.e. using host names. Listed below are the components at a high level in 11g, which require changes whenever the host name changes.
1. Admin Server
2. Managed Server
3. Node Manager
4. RCU Schemas Connections
5. System Components
6. Hardcoded Host name entries in Repository, JDBC Connections etc
7. RCU Database Listener

Ginekolog dr n. med. Piotr Siwek

Gabinet ginekologiczny specjalista ginekolog - położnik dr n. med. Piotr Siwek